This series, edited by Greg Clingham and including 51 titles between 1999 and 2010, produced much solid and some transformative work in interdisciplinary eighteenth-century studies. Titles addressed critical, historical, theoretical, and cultural considerations as they touched the lives and work of particular writers and societies in eighteenth-century Britain, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, and the Americas.
Titles in the series:
Tita Chico. New-in-Paperback: Designing Women: The Dressing Room in Eighteenth-Century English Literature and Culture (2023)
Mark Blackwell, Ed. New-in-Paperback: The Secret Life of Things: Animals, Objects, and It-Narratives in Eighteenth-Century England (2023)
Tara Ghoshal Wallace. Imperial Characters : Home and Periphery in Eighteenth-Century Literature (2010)
Adrienne Ward. Pagodas in Play: China on the Eighteenth-Century Italian Opera Stage (2010)
Raymond F. Hilliard. Ritual Violence and the Maternal in the British Novel, 1740-1820 (2010)
Stana Nenadic, Ed. Scots in London in the Eighteenth Century (2010)
Chantel M. Lavoie. Collecting Women: Poetry and Lives, 1700-1780 (2009)
Philip Smallwood, Ed. Johnson Re-Visioned: Looking Before and After (2009)
Rori Bloom. Man of Quality, Man of Letters: The Abbé Prévost between Novel and Newspaper (2009)
David Collings. Monstrous Society: Reciprocity, Discipline, and the Political Uncanny, c. 1780-1848 (2009)
Anthony Krupp. Reason's Children: Childhood in Early Modern Philosophy (2009)
Miriam L. Wallace. Revolutionary Subjects in the English 'Jacobin' Novel, 1790-1805 (2009)
Barton Swaim. Scottish Men of Letters and the New Public Sphere, 1802-1834 (2009)
Stephen Bygrave. Uses of Education: Readings in Enlightenment in England (2009)
Lesley H. Walker. A Mother's Love: Crafting Feminine Virtue in Enlightenment France (2008)
Anne Milne. Lactilla Tends Her Fav'rite Cow: Ecocritical Readings of Animals and Women in Eighteenth-Century British Labouring-Class Women's Poetry (2008)
Margaret R. Ewalt. Peripheral Wonders: Nature, Knowledge, and Enlightenment in the Eighteenth-Century Orinoco (2008)
Shelley King and Yaël Schlick, Eds. Refiguring the Coquette: Essays on Culture and Coquetry (2008)
Ron Broglio. Technologies of the Picturesque: British Art, Poetry, and Instruments 1750-1830 (2008)
William Gibson. Art and Money in the Writings of Tobias Smollett (2007)
Evan Gottlieb. Feeling British: Sympathy and National Identity in Scottish and English Writing 1707-1832 (2007)
Judith Broome. Fictive Domains: Body, Language, and Nostalgia, 1717-1770 (2007)
Will Pritchard. Outward Appearances: The Female Exterior in Restoration London (2007)
Chris Mounsey and Caroline Gonda, Eds. Queer People: Negotiations and Expressions of Homosexuality, 1700-1800 (2007)
Gavin Budge, Ed. Romantic Empiricism: Poetics and the Philosophy of Common Sense 1780-1830 (2007)
Catherine Jones and David Duff, Eds. Scotland, Ireland, and the Romantic Aesthetic (2007)
Mark Blackwell, Ed. The Secret Life of Things: Animals, Objects, and It-Narratives in Eighteenth-Century England (2007)
Ann C. Dean. The Talk of the Town: Figurative Publics in Eighteenth-century Britain (2007)
Roland Racevskis. Tragic Passages: Jean Racine's Art of the Threshold (2007)
Leanne Maunu. Women Writing the Nation: National Identity, Female Community, and the British-French Connection, 1770-1820 (2007)
Susan Paterson Glover. Engendering Legitimacy: Law, Property, and Early Eighteenth-Century Fiction (2006)
Susan Manning and Peter France, Eds. Enlightenment and Emancipation (2006)
Donald J. Newman and Lynn Marie Wright, Eds. Fair Philosopher: Eliza Haywood and the Female Spectator (2006)
Dan Doll and Jessica Munns, Eds. Recording and Reordering: Essays on the Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Diary and Journal (2006)
Regina Hewitt. Symbolic Interactions: Social Problems and Literary Interventions in the Works of Baillie, Scott, and Landor (2006)
Frédéric Ogée, Ed. "Better in France?": The Circulation of Ideas Across the Channel in the Eighteenth Century (2005)
Tita Chico. Designing Women: The Dressing Room in Eighteenth-Century English Literature and Culture (2005)
Juliette Cherbuliez. The Place of Exile: Leisure Literature and the Limits of Absolutism (2005)
Ziad Elmarsafy. Freedom, Slavery, & Absolutism: Corneille, Pascal, Racine (2003)
Ellen Brinks. Gothic Masculinity: Effeminacy and the Supernatural in English and German Romanticism (2003)
Catherine Jones. Literary Memory: Scott's Waverley Novels and the Psychology of Narrative (2003)
Peter Walmsley. Locke's Essay and The Rhetoric of Science (2003)
Sarah Jordan. The Anxieties of Idleness: Idleness in Eighteenth-Century British Literature and Culture (2003)
Catherine West Scheil. The Taste of The Town: Shakespearian Comedy and the Early 18th Century Theater (2003)
Roland Racevskis. Time and Ways of Knowing Under Louis XIV (2003)
Deborah Kennedy. Helen Maria Williams and the Age of Revolution (2002)
Lisa Wood. Modes of Discipline: Women, Conservatism, and the Novel after the French Revolution (2002)
Mita Choudhury and Laura J Rosenthal , Eds. Monstrous Dreams of Reason: Body, Self, and Other in the Enlightenment (2002)
Regina Hewitt and Pat Rogers, Eds. Orthodoxy and Heresy in Eighteenth-Century Society: Changing Sex in Early-Modern Culture (2002)
Chris Mounsey. Christopher Smart: Clown of God (2001)
Chris Mounsey, Ed. Presenting Gender: Changing Sex in Early-Modern Culture (2001)
Edward Jacobs. Accidental Migrations: An Archaeology of Gothic Discourse (2000)
Mita Choudhury. Interculturalism and Resistance in the London Theater, 1660 - 1800: Identity, Performance, Empire (2000)
James Cruise. Governing Consumption: Needs and Wants, Suspended Characters, and the "Origins" of Eighteenth-Century English Novels (1999)
Tanya Caldwell. Time to Begin Anew: Dryden's Georgics and Aeneis (1992)
Titles of related interest:
Tamara S. Wagner. Longing: Narratives of Nostalgia in the British Novel, 1740-1890 (2004)
Philip Smallwood. Reconstructing Criticism: Pope's Essay on Criticism and the Logic of Definition (2003)
Antoinette Marie Sol. Textual Promiscuities: Eighteenth-Century Critical Rewriting (2002)
Robert D. Tobin. Doctor's Orders: Goethe and Enlightenment Thought (2001)
Anna Wilson. Persuasive Fictions: Feminist Narrative and Critical Myth (2001)
Charlotte Daniels. Subverting the Family Romance: Women Writers, Kinship Structures, and the Early French Novel (2000)
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